Ultrawideband Low Data Rate based Indoor Positioning System
TES has lots of experiences in the realization of customized UWB-HDR (Ultrawideband High-Data-Rate) as well as UWB-LDR (Ultrawideband Low-Data-Rate) devices and systems. Whereas UWB-HDR is primarily used to realize communication systems UWB-LDR is often the technology of choice for localization systems. As a basis for customized solutions TES has developed a TES UWB-LDR Demonstrator which can be used as a quick-start platform for the development of a new system.
Depending on customer's requirements various imlementation options are realizable: The existing Software and VHDL Hardware can for instance be reused in a System-On-Chip FPGA. For high volume approaches the entire digital solution consisting of an the API (SW), a Protocol–Stack (SW) the MAC (SW & VHDL) as well as the Baseband (VHDL) and the digital part of the PHY (VHDL) may be implemented into a single chip ASIC by TES' ASIC Design House. For the analog part of the PHY an existing TES UWB chip implementation in combination with an existing TES UWB antenna can be considered...