TES transforms your development into a product
One of the most challenging processes - which is very often underestimated - is the process to transform your electronic prototype into a product. Based on it's own manufacturing experiences TES provides the right skills to successfully make your product mass-production ready. TES` DFx - Design for Excelllence process will ensure that all necessary stake-holders are involved during an early development phase already. DfX consists of following parts:

DfM - Design for Manufacturing
Ensures that the manufacturer is involved in an early phase of the project; that all selected components can be manufactured and that the manufacturing design rules are respected.
DfC - Design for Cost
It will be ensured that the entire system costs (device cost and NRE) are in the scope of the planned budget.
DfP - Design for Procurement
Ensures that chosen components are supplied by preferred and reliable suppliers in conjunction with best costs and acceptable delivery times. Early stage obsolescence analyses shall be performed and inventory will be managed.
DfT - Design for Test
In co-operation with manufacturer's test experts the ideal and most cost efficient test strategy of your product will be developed and deployed. Respectively TES will design an automated functional testbench to test your product at the end of the production line and will implement built-in self tests into your product.
DfQ - Design for Qualification & Certification
In close co-operation with the customer all necessary qualification and certification steps will be determined and documented and the components and design guidelines will be selected accordingly. TES' engineers will prepare and accompany all qualification and certification steps which are executed in suitable test-labs and will implement countermeasures until the product reaches it's maturity level.