D/AVE HD - 2D/3D graphics rendering IP core family for FPGAs and ASICs
The D/AVE HD GPU family is an evolution of the D/AVE 2D family supporting high quality 2D rendering and fixed function 3D rendering for displays up to 4K x 4K. Targeting modern graphics applications on high resolution displays in the Industrial, Medical, Military, Avionics, Automotive and Consumer markets, D/AVE HD is designed to be fast with powerful functionality. In addition, it is configurable and optimizable regarding size and footprint. The footprint optimized variants are the ideal choice e.g. for feature rich wearables, smart watches and IoT devices with animated 2D and 3D GUIs, while the fully featured variants target performance demanding graphics in professional and high-end consumer electronics applications.
D/AVE HD is available for both FPGA and ASIC integration with high customizability and scalability and already silicon proven e.g. in automotive products.
Product Updates
In 2022 D/AVE HD got several updates especially targeting low-power and low-cost mass market applications such as wearables and general purpose MCUs. Here a summary of the most important improvements:
- TES new Framebuffer Compression down to 1 byte per pixel
- TES new Stable Dithering modes - allowing additional "high-quality framebuffer compression" down to 2 byte per pixel
- BC1 texture compression
- Support for additional frambuffer and texture formats:
- 24bit color formats RGB 888, BGR 888, ARGB 8565, RGBA 5658
- 8bit formats ARGB 2222, RGBA 2222
- Excellent customizability for optimal feature/footprint balance
- Improved integrability
Product Highlights
- Advanced Graphics Features:
- 3D graphics operations
- Rotation Engine
- Composition Engine
- Transformation & Warping Support
- High-performance pixel pipeline (typically 4 times faster than D/AVE 2D, up to 20 times for particular use cases)
- Framebuffer compression down to 1 byte per pixel
- Full Khronos compliant OpenVG 1.1 API (optional)
- Optimized Power Management Support
- Hardware multi-threading support
- Hardware system security support
- Highly configurable to optimally meet specific target application scenarios
D/AVE HD Configuration Examples
The following table shows the feature-related D/AVE HD configuration options and presents some example configurations including footprint estmations. D/AVE HD can be configured and customized to meet your specific needs - Please feel free to contact us!
D/AVE HD is provided with the following APIs. The drivers are reentrant and OS agnostic.
- Optionally:
- D/AVE 2D Wrapper API
- OpenVG 1.1
- EGL 1.3
- Others are possible on request
D/AVE HD Eval Kits
Various options are available. All of them are delivered with:
- D/AVE HD bare metal drivers as precompiled library
- D/AVE HD demo- and test-applications as source code
- SoftDave: Pixel exact emulator for D/AVE HD allowing to run all provided applications on Windows PCs
- No hardware is needed to take the first steps in evaluating D/AVE HD!
- Installation guide, API documentation and tutorial
Beside the SoftDave PC Eval Kit also FPGA-based Eval Kits are available allowing to experience D/AVE HD under real-time conditions.
Related Links
- Eval kit and more information: Please contact graphics@ tes-dst.com
- Support : dave_support@ tes-dst.com
- Sales : graphics@ tes-dst.com
Example Screenshots